With the lessons learned from 2012 to 2017 through the implementation of the social programs 'Programa de Desarrollo Social Hogares (PDSH)®', Programa de Acción Social (PAS)² and Escuela Comunitaria, in 2017 we decided to evolve and designed our own methodology which we call the Comprehensive Community Approach Model, MACI.
The MACI is aligned with the principles of our mission, which refers to promoting training processes, organization and neighborhood participation through three complementary programs and activities that allow the strengthening of the fabric and social cohesion.
Rescuing my Community, Neighborhood Advisory and Community Workshops are the three programs that are part of the Comprehensive Community Approach Model, which have the purpose of promoting training processes that allow neighbors to learn practical organization strategies promoting the implementation of actions that contribute to the reduction of community problems and needs with which the inhabitants face on a daily basis.
Therefore, the Community Programs of the Tú más Yo Foundation influence the community to be the main actor of social change, transforming and improving their environments and living conditions.
The Tú más Yo Events are recreational activities that are carried out during the course of the year, with the purpose of promoting the strengthening of neighborhood ties and fostering customs within the community.
The outreach events have the purpose of carrying out continuous community projects and actions to activate community participation, said events are organized merely by the Fundación Tú más Yo team, or in conjunction with local, strategic and/or neighboring allies/ ace